
Revival Fires is passionate about seeing our local community transformed!

We love being involved and active in the Dudley area. Here are some of ministries and the projects we are running.


Food Hub

Delivery of food parcels to the most vulnerable in our community, offering befriending calls from our pastoral team. We work in partnership with BCFB and are a Delivery Hub for their referrals in Dudley Central.

Prayer and Care Team

We have a trained team who offer prayer and care calls to our Church family, to those who’ve requested a call from our food delivery team and to those we are referred from Social Prescribers, Dudley CVS and Local Schools.

To receive a prayer and care call text or WhatsApp your name and number to: 07821 531 269


Coffee with Friends

Coffee with Friends is an online gathering where you will be encouraged in community and in your faith with a Message of Hope for your seasons of our life. We are meeting online until we meet again in person in the coffee shop for support groups.



Throughout the first lockdown our youth group continued to meet each week for an inspirational talk, and scavenger hunts and a time of prayer. We have had to pause our in person dance, drama and music arts academy, but as soon as we can re-open we will let you know!


Life Groups

Life Groups offer a relaxed setting where we can support and care for each other, give and receive life, and know a deeper reality of God transforming lives.



What we’ve done before for our community:

  • Afternoon Tea for over 60s

  • Mayor’s Community Fund 2020 where we hosted a street party in partnership with iLoveDudley and celebrated our 20th Anniversary as a Church

  • Christmas Hampers, our biggest give away ever: 200 hampers to local families this Christmas

  • Pantomimes for local primary schools at Christmas and Easter

Our Partners
