Light House, October 2022

Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal,” declares the Lord”

God is great! In times of pain, He gives power. In times of sickness, He provides healing and after a loss, He is the one who restores what was lost. We see this being a reality in so many ways while we work with marginalised women & girls in India.

Here's how the Holy Spirit is on the Move in transforming their lives in amazing ways.

Riya – a survivor of child sexual abuse who had the honour to walk alongside for the last one and half years today radiates hope. She continues to empower fellow survivors and us. We are so pleased with her daily transformation and life of faith. THANK YOU! for coming alongside us in our journey to restore survivors like Riya.

Ayesha -a survivor of human trafficking completed our Mentorship & Economic Empowerment Program and completed her class 10th examination. She had completed a one-year vocational training, and daily tuition and has indicated her interest in pursuing further education while being with her family. Here’s what she said when we asked her why she wants to continue her studies: “I want to be a role model for other survivors like me who after rescue continue being victimized”. The exciting news is that she continues to focus on her career goals towards getting a college education and working! Each one of You made this possible, thank you!

Maria -another survivor of human trafficking from Guwahati referred to us from a partner organization has benefitted from the trauma counselling and care by our team within two weeks she was off her two-year-long medication for Mental illness. This is possible because of your generous intercessory prayers towards us as a team to share the love and care rooted in Christ.

She is now helping Papa House Children with their daily lessons in the Day school and will be soon enrolled in Hospitality training.

Here’s what she said when we told her of the opportunity: “thank you for encouraging me to go get into teaching and walking with me through daily counselling and prayer to address the mental health issues I know now I can achieve my dream, I can take care of my myself; it means a great deal to me”.

Jesus says, in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world."

The shining of your light as a Christian is bearing practical fruit in "good deeds".

Wherever the light of truth and love comes, darkness flies away. Therefore, it is one of the great callings of the followers of Jesus to let their light shine in both ways: to do good deeds and to expose the darkness. The aim is to bring people to love the light and be made light in the Lord Jesus. Therefore Celebrating 75 years of Indian Independence we were reminded to continue championing for rights and empowerment of marginalized women and girls in India with your support being the Lord’s light in a world plagued by evil.

Our precious girls truly radiated the newfound light within them in encountering the love of Jesus during a Special performance for a City Police Event.

Matthew 21:22 “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

We have seen firsthand how proudly the Lord continues to pave the way for us to have strong allies and connections within structural strongholds. Since 2015 we have continued to rally in prayer for a favour from law enforcement agencies. Today we have a direct connection with the female lead Police Officer of the Siliguri Women’s Police Headquarters. We were so pleased when She visited us to facilitate some of our survivors and have an Interactive session with them.

We urge you to pray for Those Who Serve and Protect us and are put into these positions to work for Our safety in the city.

Update on Skill Training

Our Beauty & Hair Care last batch survivors got placed for On Job Training (OJT) in September with a stipend in reputed Salons in and around Siliguri.

As a team, we take utmost care to follow up with all of them assisting to find safe economic viable placements.

The Training that we continue to provide with your support is both need and aptitude based.

With Your Support, we engage survivors in Creative Group Work Sessions as Therapy which is Key to Trauma Recovery & Care followed up with daily prayer and bible study sessions. Prayer and fellowship are not simply organizational activities. But We are intentional in making Jesus part of our conversation and way of Life.

We have many survivors like Riya, Ayesha and Maria who benefit from our Mentorship and Economic Empowerment Program scholarship program. Your continued support helps us not only address the livelihood needs but also meet their daily and immediate needs.

The Mentorship we provide empowers survivors giving them tools to make educated and informed choices to avoid risky situations, provide sustainable economic freedom, and smooth transition into communal life.

Thank you for your donations and for helping us change lives.

Because each one of you at Revival Fires, 100 + survivors and at-risk women and girls are on the path to Christ-centric rest and economic freedom and some are already living a life of Dignity and hope walking on that path since 2015. But we still need your help! Because so many still need Jesus as their personal Saviour.

As you continue to partner with us, let’s give economic power; restore hope and dignity to these downtrodden and battered girls, and elevate them from victims to victors!! Unless we help them, they may never get back their lives or dignity.

We are so blessed to share this journey with you for joining us in this fight by ensuring that we do not lack the needed support and help in advancing our work.

We honour Pastor Trevor and Sharon along with their incredible family & team who have invested in our personal and ministry life over the years. We so cherish this God-given relationship with each one of you through their leadership. Our long-standing relationship with Revival fires has been edifying for us personally and spiritually and we praise God for that!

THANK YOU! We pray blessings over each one of you so that the Lord's love and grace may abound more and more in your lives and ministry. Let us together win souls and transform lives for Jesus!

Love & Gratitude,

Moumita K Pathak

Light House, India


Zimbabwe, November 2022


Papa’s House, March - May 2022