Light House, August - October 2023

We are excited to provide you with a three-month update on the progress and achievements at our Survivor Restoration Centre, a safe haven that has been made possible by your generous support. Thanks to your contributions, we have been able to offer round-the-clock care, protection, and a comprehensive range of services to survivors of human trafficking and exploitation. These survivors have been on a journey of healing, skill training, trauma counselling, and spiritual support, and we are pleased to share the transformation that has occurred.

Healing and Restoration

‘Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear.’ Isaiah 58:8

Over the past three months, our Survivor Restoration Centre has continued to be a place of healing and refuge for the survivors under our care. Through your support, we have been able to offer comprehensive services that cater to their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Our Christ-centric mentorship program has played a vital role in helping survivors find hope, purpose, and faith in their journey towards restoration.

Skill Training and Education

Two of our survivors have completed a three-month hospitality training program and excelled in their studies, graduating at the top of their class. Their dedication and hard work have been truly remarkable. We are proud to announce that they have been successfully placed in a leading hospitality company, where they are undergoing on-the-job training and receiving a monthly stipend of 10,000 Rupees. This achievement is a testament to their determination and the support provided by the Survivor Restoration Centre.

Reuniting Families

One of the most heartwarming moments in the past three months was when we helped survivors restore their relationships with their mothers by walking alongside them in prayers and counselling. As these two survivors are on their journey of being at On Job Hospitality Training with your support we could help book their flight tickets. It was their first time on an aeroplane, and the joy and excitement of the girls and both their mothers were palpable.

Their mothers, who are also part of our organization's support now, were filled with pride and happiness as they witnessed their daughters embark on a journey toward their dreams, a life that they could only hope for. These moments are a testament to the positive impact Your Contributions have on multiple generations.

Sharing Success Stories

We take our survivors' privacy and protection sensitively and we have obtained informed consent from those who wish to share their success stories. These stories serve as a source of inspiration and hope for others who have experienced similar hardships, and they highlight the transformative power of love, care, and support.

Once again, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Your contributions are making a profound difference in the lives of these survivors, helping them overcome their past and look forward to a brighter, more independent future. As we move forward, we remain committed to our mission and to the survivors we serve. We hope to expand our reach and positively impact the lives of even more survivors.

THANK YOU for being an essential part of this journey toward restoration, healing, and empowerment.

Healing and Thriving Through Dance and Music Therapy

We are dedicated to the holistic healing and empowerment of survivors of trauma and exploitation. One of the remarkable ways we have been able to achieve this is through the implementation of Dance and Music Therapy programs. These creative therapies have proven to be incredibly effective in helping survivors not only heal but also thrive on their journey towards recovery and independence. Most importantly to express the same delight in God which made David dance.

“And David was dancing before the Lord with all His might.” 2 Samuel 6:14

Emotional Release: Dance and music offer a safe and expressive outlet for survivors to release pent-up emotions and trauma. Movement and rhythm allow them to communicate and process feelings that might be difficult to express verbally.

  • Empowerment: Participating in dance and music activities empowers survivors by giving them a sense of control and ownership over their bodies and emotions. It helps rebuild their self-esteem, which is often shattered by past experiences.

  • Stress Reduction: Engaging in dance and music activities helps survivors reduce stress and anxiety. The rhythmic and repetitive nature of these therapies can have a calming and soothing effect on the mind.

  • Community and Connection: Through group dance and music sessions, survivors build connections and friendships with others who have experienced similar traumas. This sense of belonging is crucial to their healing and overall well-being.

  • Confidence Building: As survivors gain proficiency in dance and music, their confidence grows. This newfound self-assuredness extends beyond the therapy sessions and positively impacts their daily lives.

Dance and Music Therapy has become an integral part of our survivor support programs, and the impact on those we serve is undeniable. It provides a unique and powerful avenue for survivors to heal, regain their self-worth, and ultimately thrive in their lives. We are committed to expanding and enhancing these programs, ensuring that more survivors can experience the healing and transformative power of worship through dance and music.

Ending Second Generation Prostitution

We are honoured to introduce you to Sara, a brave survivor whose story exemplifies the incredible strength of the human spirit. Sarah's journey, marked by adversity and challenges, is a testament to her resilience and the transformative power of support and care. Sara is a young survivor whose life has been marked by the shadows of a dysfunctional family. Sara's mother had been ensnared in the red-light district, battling circumstances that were beyond her control. Her journey, marked by trauma and chaos, is one of resilience and hope.

Early Life in Turmoil: Sara's earliest memories were shrouded in instability. Raised in a family where dysfunction and hardship were the norm, she witnessed her mother's struggle as she was trapped in the world of the red-light area. This environment left an indelible mark on Sara's formative years, exposing her to the harsh realities of life from a tender age.

A Ray of Hope: Despite the tumultuous home life, Sara clung to a glimmer of hope. She found solace in the stories her mother would tell her, tales of a brighter future and a better life. It was her mother's love and determination that kept Sara going, even in the midst of the darkness that surrounded them.

Seeking Refuge: It was through a stroke of providence that Sara's family was connected to our organization. Informed of our services through a community outreach program, they took the brave step of seeking refuge and support at our centre.

The Healing Journey: Sara's arrival at our centre marked the beginning of her healing journey. At first, she was understandably hesitant, burdened by the weight of her tumultuous past. However, with the patient and compassionate care provided by our team, she began to find her voice and her strength. Through counselling and support, Sara has started to confront the traumas that have haunted her young life. She is learning to trust those around her and is discovering the power within herself to overcome adversity.

The Road Ahead: Sara's journey is still unfolding, and while the wounds of her past will always be a part of her story, she is embracing a future filled with possibilities. Our survivor-centred approach has allowed her to envision a life free from the shackles of her upbringing and to work towards a brighter, more promising future.

As we share Sara's story, we are reminded of the resilience within individuals who have faced unimaginable challenges. With your continued support, we aim to be a steadfast source of hope and transformation for survivors like Sara.


India Mission Trip - October 2023


Thank You!