
Welcome to Revival Fires

Our desire has always been to have a gathering place in the heart of the nation where people could come to seek God’s presence and experience the fire of revival.

As the Holy Spirit touches people’s lives, they experience renewed passion for Jesus, healing for their bodies and freedom from oppression.

This is still our heart today, and now we have developed an Apostolic Team that functions to serve the church both locally and internationally as we seek to carry the fire of revival to the nations.

Trevor & Sharon Baker

Our next event


Every Sunday, 10.30am at two locations: Dudley & Kidderminster

Revival Fires Church is marked by freedom in worship, up to date testimonies of Jesus at work in people’s lives, prophetic preaching made relevant today and prayer ministry where the Holy Spirit is invited to work and move in supernatural power

Come Join Us!

Sunday Meetings

Join us in Dudley, Kidderminster, or Online

Revival Fires Kidderminster

We meet every Sunday in Dudley, and now also every Sunday in Kidderminster!

New address: Kidderminster Youth House, Bromsgrove Street, Kidderminster, DY10 1PF

Find us on Social Media

Coming Up

Come to one of our monthly gatherings, as we seek Gods presence and receive revelation for the present time and season.

Conferences, Schools, Gatherings… so much to get involved in. We look forward to welcoming you in Dudley!

Click here to see our upcoming events and gatherings and register your place.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Grow in God

Take your next steps in God with us! A journey of discovery, discipleship and destiny. We’re looking forward to meeting you, for guests and visitors to become family.

We have so much ready for you, to disciple and equip you. Join us on this journey by coming to our next Heart-to-Heart meeting. Continue taking steps with us onto Engage, Life Groups, Teams… and see where God takes you!

The journey and your next steps.